Our Projects

A Smart City Control Center for Reims Metropolis in France

Smart city platform
A man using a computer in the control room of the city of reims working on an IoT Platform.


Reims Metropole issued a RFP to select a smart city integrator and associated solution to deploy a smart city control center in Reims with a smart city platform that would centralize all technical alarms from multiple departments of the city (traffic, streetlight, parking, access control, safety).

NGE, the 4th largest construction group in France, decided to lead a joint consortium with KPMG, Kurrant, Citylinx, Gretrude and Roch Services to bid to this project against 7 other major smart city integrator and smart city software providers.


NGE and KPMG were bidding for the first time to such a large smart city control center project and were hence outsiders compared to more experienced competitors. In this context, NGE and KPMG needed a partner with legitimate experience in smart cities who could also define, structure and present the best solution to Reims Metropolis.

Deliverables & Outcomes

Kurrant defined a unique and innovative architecture for the target solution and led the consortium’s engineering and commercial teams in describing and presenting the smart city platform offering, taking into account the specific context and needs of Reims Metropolis.

Kurrant also led the presentation of the solution to Reims Metropole as part of the tender process and was instrumental in convincing the city of Reims to select the solution proposed and designed by the consortium.

After the project was awarded, Kurrant coordinated the architecture detailed design and specification drafting to enable NGE to deliver the the solution proposed by the consortium.

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