Our Projects

Analyzing the Potential and Market for Smart Water Use Cases

Market study Smart Water
An image of a pipe leaking water creating a continuous flow


Our client, a European leader in smart metering solutions for water utilities, was looking to extend its offering beyond the distribution part of the water lifecycle and to more globally contribute to water resource preservation. To achieve this, our client sought to develop a range of smart solutions and offers designed to tackle issues ranging from leakage detection to water quality assessment.


The primary challenges of this endeavor consistent in defining a winning go to market strategy and included (i) understanding the market drivers (ii) determining the business potential of each prospect offer and solution (iii) establishing the right pricing strategy (iv) identifying the initial geographical regions to target.

Deliverables & Outcomes

Based on a comprehensive market analysis and segmentation, Kurrant delivered strategic go to market recommendations per use case including:

  • Drinkable water quality analysis
  • Fire hydrant activity monitoring
  • Flooding and water level monitoring
  • Raw water quality analysis

For each use case, Kurrant outlined specific pain points, requirements, market size, solutions architecture, comptitive benchmark and details about existing major projects, enabling our client to make informed strategic decisions.

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