Our Projects

Defining and Helping Execute a Smart Waste International Business Development Strategy

Smart waste collection International business strategy
Photo of a waste container equipped with an IoT fill level sensor emitting a signal.


BH Technologies had grown its smart waste collection revenue by +45% over the past year capturing a strong market share in France, but with little to no business abroad. With well funded competitors emerging in Europe, BH Technologies was looking to define international business development strategy to set foot in APAC and become a leading market player.


The challenge for BH Technologies’ management team is to organize an efficient international business development strategy that preserve the company good financial figures and provide its shareholder a clear visibility on the international growth plan.Therefore BH technologies’ management decide to seek the help of Kurrant’s seasoned seasoned smart cities team to achieve quick results while keeping cost and risks under control.

Deliverables & Outcomes

Kurrant provided BH Technologies’ management with a pragmatic readiness analysis of key European and Asia-Pacific markets for smart waste solutions and helped the company identify the right channels and reseller in selected countries. Kurrant’s assistance enabled notably BH Technology to deliver its first sensor in Australia.


“Kurrant’s assistance demonstrated a real international experience in selling and deploying smart solutions for Cities and Utilities.”
Taisei Miura – CEO BH Technologies
Grenoble, France

Seeking a Smart Waste Strategic Market Analysis?
