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Bellingham Schools Partners with Attune to Monitor Air Quality

New Project (Full-Scale)USAAttuneBellingham Public SchoolsEnvironmental Monitoring

Attune Air quality moniotring smart cities

Image source: Attune

Published on September 26, 2024

Attune has teamed up with Bellingham Public Schools in Washington to implement indoor and outdoor air quality (IAQ and OAQ) monitoring systems throughout all schools during the wildfire season. Supported by a grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Wildfire Smoke Preparedness in Community Buildings program, this initiative equips the school district with Attune’s continuous air quality monitoring technology. The sensors provide real-time alerts on pollutant levels, including carbon dioxide, volatile organic compounds, and particulate matter.

The system enables district staff to monitor air quality 24/7, ensuring timely responses to changing conditions caused by wildfire smoke or other air quality threats. According to EPA data, wildfire smoke can cause serious health problems, from eye irritation to asthma attacks and cardiovascular events, making real-time monitoring crucial for student and staff safety.

This partnership with Bellingham Public Schools is part of Attune’s broader effort, already installed in over 2,000 schools nationwide, including major districts like Denver and Washington, D.C. Attune’s platform, supported by 64 patents, helps schools manage air quality issues and minimize risks that could impact occupant health.

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