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Côte-d’Or Scales Up Water Management Tech Across Its Schools with Hydrelis

New Project (Full-Scale)FranceDepartment of Côte-d'OrSuezHydrelisWater

Hydrelis Stopflow IoT device

Image credit: Hydrelis

Published on May 29, 2024

Since 2021, the Côte-d’Or Departmental Council has deployed the ON’connect switch™ system, created by Hydrelis, a subsidiary of Suez, across all public middle schools it maintains. After successful trials in six schools, which saved 12,500 cubic meters of water and avoided €44,000 in costs, the department has decided to invest €580,000 to expand this solution to all its schools. This technology enables real-time, remote detection and management of water leaks using algorithms that instantly identify leaks and alert school managers to intervene promptly. The system includes an electromechanical valve to shut off the affected water network immediately, either manually via a web portal or automatically.

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