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Ecolab Report Highlights Surge in AI Adoption by Municipalities

Events & PublicationsFranceEcolabEnvironmental IoTWater

Published on March 27, 2024

L’Ecolab du CGDD, an innovation lab under the French Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion, recently released a comprehensive report on the Experts’ AI Day held last month. Co-hosted with Les Interconnectés, the event highlighted the pivotal role of AI in supporting environmental initiatives at the municipal level.
This report underscores a significant trend: the escalating adoption of AI by municipalities to tackle environmental challenges. From 50 municipalities using AI in 2023, an anticipated 200 are set to launch AI-based projects and experiments in 2024.
Among various topics the forum highlighted the critical role of AI in environmental sustainability efforts, such as improving mobility, water supply management, biodiversity protection, and adapting urban areas to climate change. To access the full report (In French): Click Here

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