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Naples Launches €44 Million Smart Water Project

New Project (Full-Scale)ItalyMunicipality of NaplesABC NapoliWater

Sign of ABC Napoli

Image credit: ABC Napoli social media

Published on May 8, 2024

The Municipality of Naples, through its specialized company ABC, is initiating a major upgrade of its water infrastructure with a €37 million loan from the Pnrr* program and an additional €7 million from its own funds. The project, named ‘Abc4Innovation – digital and technological transition towards the smart water system of the city of Naples’, aims to fully digitalize the city’s water distribution networks. This will involve several key projects :

  • Smart Measurement Tools and SCADA Systems: Installation of devices to monitor network parameters and a new platform for enhanced network management and optimization.
  • Network Districtisation and Active Loss Control: Implementation of smart meters to better understand and control water distribution, aiming to optimize the districtization of the water network.
  • Leak Pre-localization: About 500 new acoustic noise-logger sensors will be deployed to monitor an additional 250 km of the water network.
  • Smart Metering in Homes: Installation of approximately 115,000 new smart meters in residences to improve transparency and promote sustainable water usage among citizens.
  • City Fountains Refurbishment: Rehabilitation works on major city fountains to restore their functionality.
  • Network Maintenance and Upgrades: Reconstruction and replacement of around 27 km of the water network to modern standards.

These projects are designed to modernize Naples’ water network, increase operational efficiency, and reduce losses. This upgrade, set to be implemented by 2026, marks a significant step towards transforming Naples into a city with a smart, sustainable water system.

*The National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) is Italy’s response to the global Covid-19 emergency and to the obstacles that have blocked the growth of the country’s economic, social and environmental system in recent decades. It is is part of the European recovery project Next Generation EU.

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