Kurrantly News Bites

Paris Pilots Dynamic EV Charging with Industry Partners

New Project (Pilot)FranceCity of ParisColasVedecomStellantisF2MChargeEnedisUtacAvereEV Charging

Car charging with indictive charging system

Image credit: Ville de Paris

Published on June 19, 2024

The City of Paris unveiled a prototype for dynamic inductive charging for electric vehicles in the 17th arrondissement, as a part of the European INCIT-EV program. This project, developed in collaboration with partners including Colas, Vedecom, Stellantis & F2MCharge, Enedis, Université Gustave Eiffel, Utac, and Avere, aims to enable vehicles to charge while moving or stationary at intersections. This initiative integrates charging systems directly into the road surface and is part of a broader city effort, supported by the EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, to enhance air quality and expand electric charging infrastructure.

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