New Project (Pilot)SkanskaWasteTrackerBuilding EfficiencyWaste
Image source: Skanska
Published on September 30, 2024
Skanska, a multinational construction and development company based in Sweden, has teamed up with WasteTracker to help office tenants manage waste more efficiently and reduce their environmental impact. WasteTracker includes a weighing terminal and an analytical system that tracks waste generated by tenants. Using employee access cards, waste is weighed before being disposed of, and tenants can monitor their waste production and carbon footprint in real time. This data is broken down by waste type, allowing tenants to refine their waste management strategies and focus on reduction, reuse, and segregation efforts.
This system will be deployed in seven Skanska buildings across Central and Eastern Europe, including Wave in Gdańsk, Brama Miasta in Łódź, and Studio B in Warsaw, as well as projects in Prague and Bucharest. The partnership with WasteTracker supports tenants in meeting ESG requirements, CSRD reporting, and aligning with Zero Waste strategies.
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