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Data Sharing Enhances AMI Rollout for Cities, Utilities, Customers

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In this informative video, we engage in a thoughtful dialogue with David Woakes, Client Solutions Director at Auriga, focusing on the Essential Sharing Network (ESN) and its role in fostering collaboration among utilities. This network is an initiative designed to facilitate the sharing of data concerning vulnerable individuals, particularly during disruptions in power, water, or gas services. The conversation delves into  how this exchange of information can significantly aid those in need during critical times.

We also explore the broader implications of such data-sharing practices. By allowing utilities to communicate more effectively, there is a potential for enhanced efficiency in the deployment of Advanced Metering Infrastructures (AMIs). This, in turn, can lead to more effectively planned cities, where resource management and emergency response are optimized for the benefit of the community.

Throughout the video, we examine the various dimensions of data sharing in the utility sector. The discussion with Woakes sheds light on the operational facets of the ESN and its contribution to creating more resilient and responsive utility services. We delve into how data sharing between different utility providers can streamline processes, leading to quicker responses and better resource allocation.

Join us in this engaging exploration of the Essential Sharing Network and its impact on the utility sector and city planning.

Published on 20/04/2023