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How Are Smart Poles Making Their Way Into Cities?

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In this week’s documentary, we delve into the evolving landscape of urban technology, focusing on the rise of Smart Poles. The episode begins with an insightful discussion with Victoria Lamberth from ZenFi Networks (Now Boldyn Networks). We explore the motivations behind Citybridge, a consortium responsible for transitioning from Wi-Fi kiosks to Smart Poles in New York City. This change represents a significant shift in urban connectivity and infrastructure.

We then turn our attention to the intricacies of Smart Pole design, engaging with Jim Lockwood, P.E. from Comptek Technologies (Part of Aero Wireless Group). His expertise sheds light on the innovative design elements that make Smart Poles a versatile and efficient solution for modern cities. The conversation with Lockwood provides a detailed look at how these structures blend functionality with aesthetic considerations.

Next, we examine the practical advantages of retrofitting existing infrastructure with Smart Pole technology. For this, we have a dialogue with Pedro Ruao from Omniflow. He discusses the benefits of integrating Smart Poles into existing city landscapes, emphasizing their role in enhancing urban functionality without the need for complete infrastructural overhaul.

The documentary concludes with an update on our earlier story from Coral Gables, where Ekin Smart Poles were installed. This segment revisits the project to assess its impact and effectiveness, offering a real-world example of how Smart Pole technology is being implemented in urban settings.

Through these discussions and case studies, the documentary presents a comprehensive view of the Smart Pole technology’s role in urban development. It highlights how these advancements are reshaping cityscapes, enhancing connectivity, and offering sustainable solutions to modern challenges. Join us as we uncover the layers of this emerging urban technology and its implications for future city planning

Published on 08/09/2022

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