Smart Mobility

A growing digital ecosystem of opportunities

The convergence of urbanization, technology, environmental consciousness and changing policy support creates a fertile ground for the growth of smart mobility solutions, making it a thriving ecosystem with abundant opportunities for innovation and investment. Explore with Kurrant how smart mobility enhances urban transportation efficiency, reduces congestion, lowers emissions, and improves accessibility, leading to more sustainable cities. Discover also the potential business opportunities it offers and how to leverage them to generate growth.

A pole-mounted camera in front of a building moniotring traffic.
A busy highway, showcasing cars and trucks in motion, representing a smart mobility solution
A snapshot of a city street with cars and traffic lights, analyzed by a computer vision mobility solution.

Let's Discuss Your Mobility Project Needs

VisionAI Helps Boost Security During 2024 Olympic Games

Curbing Noise Pollution with AI-Enabled Solution

Brussels’ Smart City Strategy – Part 2

Smart Parking Landscape Changes with New Players, Enforcement

Mobility Data: New Paradigm for Smart Cities

AI Mobility Solution Helps Sheffield Keep Air Quality in Check


Learn about city challenges, market potential, innovative technologies, and key players.

Embark on a focused 2-hour learning session on Smart Mobility, led by a seasoned industry expert. Whether remotely or onsite, we'll dive deep into the subject.

Your experience will be enriched by a thoughtful post-session deliverable, meticulously crafted to extend your knowledge beyond the session itself.

Smart City industry experts giving a Street Lighting training in front of a screen

Let's Discuss Your Mobility Project Needs