Street Lighting

The first smart city use case

Streetlighting is one of the most widely deployed smart city infrastructure involving technologies like LEDs, IoT controllers and connectivity as well as central management software solutions. It also has a direct impact on cities’ attractivity and often generates larger cities and utility digitalization projects. Kurrant offers invaluable insights about streetlighting through transformative projects, extensive technical and interoperability expertise, market analysis and success stories from cities, utilities and industry leaders.

A person on a ladder fixing a smart luminaire that is connected to a control cabinet
A bustling smart city street at night, illuminated by LED lights that are connected to a lighting control cabinet
Vibrant sunset backdrop with two street lights shining brightly in the evening.

Let's Discuss Your Street Lighting Project Needs

Smart Luminaires Partner Up with Small Cells in Brazil

How New Orleans Plans for Resilient, Smart Future

Unveiling Dallas’ First Official Smart Community

Optimizing Street Lighting with Telco Network Data

Valencia Targets Energy Efficiency & Light Pollution Reduction

Are Smart Poles Scalable to Entire Cities?

Talq Interoperanility schema showing different applications


TALQ's openAPI specification facilitates communication and integration between various smart streetlighting solutions, enabling cities to deploy a mix of products from different manufacturers that can work seamlessly together using the same Central Management Software platform.

Discover how TALQ can benefit cities, utilities, and vendors on our Interoperability page and get in touch for support as you embark on your TALQ journey.

Learn about TALQ


Learn about city challenges, market potential, innovative technologies, and key players.

Embark on a focused 2-hour learning session on Street Lighting , led by a seasoned industry expert. Whether remotely or onsite, we'll dive deep into the subject.

Your experience will be enriched by a thoughtful post-session deliverable, meticulously crafted to extend your knowledge beyond the session itself.

Smart City industry experts giving a Street Lighting training in front of a screen

Let's Discuss Your Street Lighting Project Needs